Did you know that orgasms are just as good as a skin cream?

Some Scottish researchers did a study that says “At least three sexual relationships a week help to slow aging” concluded by the researchers at the Royal Hospital in Edinburgh.   Regular sexual activity makes you appear 5 to 7 seven years younger, so keep at it…..

Dr. David Weeks says in the British Psychological society says the pleasure we get from sex is a definite way to reduce skin aging.  His team has even conducted a study by following over 3500 people aged between 20 to 104 years of age.  After 10 years of following those people, the team concluded that aside from people who exercise, only those who have regular sex have beautiful glowing skin.

Imagine having great pleasure and, getting firmer more plump skin.  When we orgasm, we produce more Oxytocin, a neuropeptide that is commonly called the hormone of love.  It helps to keep the uterine walls firm as well.

Sexual activity does increase the secretion of hormones.  The one that is of interest to us is Estrogen, the female sex hormone; it improves the production of natural collagen, the cement that makes our skin supple. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19138375

During an orgasm, the body temperature also rises and causes some sweat. As it  has a sauna like effect, by detoxifying and, cleansing skin and cleaning pores.

The blood flow goes to the surface of skin, making it brighter with fresh complexion.

Of note, another benefit of orgasms is that is also help in getting better sleep. Over 70% of women polled say that after an orgasm they sleep a lot better.

Even before or during menopause it is always recommended to try and maintain a very active sex life.  It will reduce your hot flashes, and any other aches and pains related to that time period.

Take a look at our Luvoil Venus for more information on how to get help with better orgasms.