Does Needle-Free Anti-Aging Exist?

Spilanthol, a compound derived from the Paracress Plant, is powerful wrinkle reduction for needle-phobes.

In a clinical study, 75% of users saw the smoothing effect of Spilanthol on fine lines and wrinkles immediately.

How is this possible?

Spilanthol is hardly new, in fact, it’s ancient! Also known as the “toothache plant,” Spilanthol has been used for hundreds of years in South American, African, and Asian traditional medicine due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Thanks to modern chemistry, Spilanthol is formulated for topical use on the skin– and it may be your new favorite anti-aging ingredient!

How does it work?

Years of talking, laughing, smiling, and frowning lead to thousands of daily microcontractions within the skin, which results in fine lines. Spilanthol reduces these wrinkles by myorelaxing the skin (slowing down these muscle contractions) at a subcutaneous level. Not only does Spilanthol relax the tiny facial muscles, but it has also been shown to reorganize and tighten skin by stimulating collagen production! By reconnecting the epidermis and the dermis and restoring structural integrity, Spilanthol can firm and tighten your skin naturally. 

Spilanthol works within your skin to restore its strength and elasticity.


How effective is this natural ingredient?

83% of users saw a reduction in crow’s feet wrinkles around the eyes. Clinical results also showed restoration of the cupid’s bow and lip contour, relaxing of wrinkles around the lips and mouth, and a decrease of wrinkle volume by 45%. Fine lines that begin at an early age are the most easily treatable and early prevention can lead to longevity in skin firmness. Morganna’s Alchemy only uses sustainably harvested organic Paracress that comes from the Regional Natural Park in the Ardèche Mountains in the South of France. You can discover the powerful anti-aging effects of Spilanthol in both our Paracress Oil and Morganna’s Elixir.


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