In honor of “No shave November” Here are a few tips for the on how to grow the perfect beard fast!


1. Fill up with vitamin B

Provide a good fertilizer to your beard if you want to have good quality roots and regrowth.

It will give each hair a stronger and silkier texture.

Vitamina B can be found in large quantities in brewer´s yeast.


2. Massage your beard with a few drops of castor oil.

Take the time to rub in some castor oil once a week, leave on overnight, then rinse off.


3. Resist the urge to trim or shape the beard.

Let it grow as much as possible before shaving, even if you are going for the “goatee” look. The hairs on your face will be in various stages of growth; not all are actively growing at the same time, so you have to be patient to see where it will fill in and where it won’t.


4. Rub in some stimulating oil.

It will give you a longer and bushier beard.

Apply a small dab of stimulating oil in friction with your fingertips on the emerging beard, morning and evening for 1 month.


5. Resist the urge to trim or shape the beard.

Let it grow as much as possible before shaving, even if you are going for the “goatee” look. The hairs on your face will be in various stages of growth; not all are actively growing at the same time, so you have to be patient to see where it will fill in and where it won’t.


6. Trim Regularly and Properly

Trimming your beard is a necessary practice so that you can keep it well maintained and even.


7. Amla oil.

Is a natural remedy to increase facial hair growth.

Massage your skin with the Amla oil and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

Rinse your face with cold water and then clean it.