The ideal man, can he still be defined as Don Draper from the Mad Men series?
Metrosexual, Hipster, Spornosexual, Lumbersexual…….
Today, the traditional roles of the man are completely upset: More and more the idea of the man being the main worker, bread winner and just “head of the family’ is topsy turvy
The men of Y generation want more flexibility and balance between private and professional life.
They are more sensitive to the question of gender parity.
80% of men say they are ready to stay at home to take care of children, while their wife is working *.
In his daily life, the man no longer hesitates to assert his desires for beauty. With the expansion of the male blogosphere and the boom of a specialized press for men with very expert lifestyle speech (GQ ) men have become their own prescribers and seek to create a cloakroom that suits them.
Now freed from traditional representations of the masculine, our men explore new fields of expression. In the territory of beauty, a true culture of well-being develops, A sign of distinction from the Hipster community, the beard has become democratized (Over 30% of men wear one!), it has become a true fashion accessory. Barber shops offer rituals that are expanding; a visit to the barber has become a moment of relaxation and pleasure. 42% of adults think it’s chic for a man to wear a beard.
At the center of the digital environment (central role of social networks trivialized the love meeting on the internet men have now come to rely on their virtual image, and go through the theatrical box.Thus, puts his body on stage to make it an object of desire for the others but also for oneself. The spornosexual, the addict to sports halls is the perfect illustration: he sculpts his body to better share it with a virtual audience. Symptom of this phenomenon, we see on Instagram a wave of “fitspo”, selfies supposed to show on canvas his body sculpted by the fitness.In a more playful register, the apprentice wizards of the Y generation now compete with women in the field of experimentation and enthusiastically follow the trends launched on the net. Just recently, the trend Merman (which means triton, mean a “male siren”) has made fury on Instagram: it consists of coloring beard, hair and eyebrows in pastel or bright colors (green, blue, purple …), in the right line of the trend Rainbow hair.In a nutshell men have become more demanding, men also want to talk to them about their problems, and no longer want a simple conversion of feminine beauty products
Our Eco Ocean cleansers with sea weed extracts serve as a first step to a man daily routine.