Top 10 tips to prevent and treat dry skin

  1. Use moisturizing products adapted to your skin, ideally based on urea.
  2. Apply your moisturizing product to your skin while still humid/ wet
  3. Regularly and generously apply a moisturizing product to the face, hands and the rest of the body.
  4. Use a neutral or slightly acidic cleanser
  1. Opt for showers to baths, lukewarm (or cool) water in hot water. Space them and limit their duration.
  2. Pat dry your skin after a shower rather than rub
  3. Wash your hands with cold water.
  4. Dress appropriately especially during extreme weather conditions: winter, sunny and dry weather, etc.
  5. Humidify the interior of your house and ventilate it regularly •
  6. Adopt a balanced diet and drink regularly.